Once upon a time...
In a land far far away called Bengalooru lived a Tall Dood. Like most dood’s and dudette’s today, he worked in an IT company and in his spare time he read lots of blogs and was inspired by many of them especially Hari Shenoy’s. He aspired to have a blog of his own some day and felt happy at the mere thought. Time passed by and as it usually does, didn’t wait for this Tall One. Then one lazy afternoon, the spark of creativity ignited and he happened to post his modified version of an excerpt from the novel named ‘Frankenstein’ on a popular social networking site which can now be seen in the ‘About Me’ section of this very blog. The Tallster felt that he still had it in him to continue writing and the blogs you find here were a result of this new founded enthusiasm to write well, be entertaining and attract more and more people to his blog. Although numerous people were convinced he could write decently, the Tall One humbly didn’t seem entirely convinced. The mere thought of making his written literature more and more perfect made him to procrastinate a lot. Though the ideas were there to be expressed, he felt that the manner of expression wasn’t perfect enough to his liking. So more and more NED happened and the thought of writing kept slipping from his list of priorities…
Time flew and a year passed by… In this time, some people close to him enquired about his blogs and the reason behind the discontinuity at which he blamed it on NED. He also wrote some extremely dramatic fictional literature at the workplace simply to put a smile on people’s faces and he did succeed to a certain extent… Due to certain events of personal and professional importance, the Tall One had to abruptly stop this activity. One day, he happened to read some of his aforementioned older content and penned one more to see how people reacted and was amazed at the reaction. Buoyed on this vociferousness, albeit a small one, egged him on to continue this wonderful habit. Although the Tall Dood knows that he himself was to blame for all the procrastination and his unfruitful attempts at perfection, he hopes to continue penning down as often as possible as imperfect as it may be and is thankful to all the people behind making him take a decision to take another shot at writing.
Hoping to continue penning.
Yours truly,
The Tall Dood